ADHD Treatment is more than medications.
Are You An ADULT or Teen Struggling With ADHD?
With ADHD treatment, It’s possible to prevail over your ADHD.
There is effective, natural ADHD help available…besides Medications.
ADHD can hurt your education, derail your career and blow apart your relationships.
You know what it’s like to suffer with ADHD symptoms…
ADHD makes you:
- Chronically Procrastinate
- Miss important details
- Have to work harder to be organized
- Get distracted easily and drift off.
It can also make you:
- Blurt things out and interrupt others
- Talk a lot
- Have difficulty waiting and taking turns
- Have trouble being emotionally quiet and calm
ADHD Damages Relationships
When ADHD is not managed weill, your loved ones lose their trust in you. They get upset because you interrupt them, forget important commitments, run late or get scattered and distracted.
Sadly, when couples don’t have the benefit of quality ADHD treatment, their relationship loses it’s magic. This often happens when your beloved partner finds him/herself slipping into a parental role.
ADHD takes an emotional toll on you…and your loved ones.
It’s hard to explain to others what having ADHD is like.
If you have ADHD, you might wonder what is wrong with you. So called “simple tasks” can trigger shame and fear. It can cause trouble reigning in your emotions and your impulses.
You feel alone and different
You can feel bad about yourself, “less than”, like an underachiever.
It’s hard to deal with the fact that tasks that seem so simple for everyone else, are more challenging for you. Struggles with ADHD can breed low self esteem, make you moody, and make you contend with anger or frustration.
But worst of all ADHD can disconnect you from others and be isolating and demoralizing
And if you have ADHD, studies show that you are likely to face other challenges too. ADHD does not usually come by itself. A very large number of people with ADHD also struggle with other feelings like anger, anxiety and depression…
ADHD Treatment- Because when you face ADHD on your own, you struggle needlessly.
But the truth is you are not alone… And I’d like to help.
But the reality is, A.D.H.D. is common.
In the U.S.,11 % of children and 4% of adults have been diagnosed with it. But despite how common ADHD is, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to cope with when you have it.
With the right kind of ADHD treatment, you will learn skills to be focused, calm and effective.
In ADHD treatment, I help clients with ADHD overcome everyday obstacles and
- Strengthen Attention Skills
- Improve Emotional Control
- Increase Frustration Tolerance.
- Improve Relationship Skills
Hi, I’m Michael G. Quirke L.M.F.T.
I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and I have offices in San Francisco and San Mateo.
For over 20 years, I’ve helped clients with ADHD and their loved ones learn skills to more effectively achieve their personal and professional goals.
As a seasoned therapist, I know that it is possible to learn how to prevail over ADHD. I know how much ADHD treatment can help. Discover how you can be more focused, more productive, more calm and more effective.
Contact Me and Get Started! You never have to get stuck feeling bad about yourself or embarrassed again. You can feel good about yourself and the important people in your life can feel proud of you.
If you are looking to develop skills to prevail over your ADHD, Call (415) 820- 3943 to begin.