Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) is a variation of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It arises due to prolonged exposure to horrific events. A complex trauma survivor may have endured neglect, illness, violence, and more — all in a sustained, repetitious way. For example, a child may face chronic abuse. This treatment may be at the hands of someone they trusted, leaving the child with no way to escape.

As a result, a person in the process of recovering from C-PTSD will deal with factors and obstacles that are discrete from those of PTSD. While there is no precise ratio, it is safe to say that if trauma lasts a long time, healing will also be a long-term process.

Why Is C-PTSD Recovery a Long-Term Journey?

To follow up on the statement above, let’s consider a physical comparison. If you develop poor posture habits when seated at your desk, it will cause ongoing issues. Muscles will get stiff and shortened. Chronic pain may develop without you knowing why. The discomfort can get so normalized that you stop pondering it.

If a physical therapist identifies the source, you can then begin:

  • Correcting your posture.
  • Addressing the negative outcomes of the long-term issue.

Both of these steps can be accomplished but it won’t happen overnight.

With C-PTSD, you’ll need the help of a psychotherapist. A trauma-informed practitioner will work with you to reveal the past events that led to your present situation. Your therapist needs to take an extensive history to help them grasp how intense the trauma was and how long it lasted. These factors will very much influence the length of your healing journey.

On that journey, you’ll work together to ease symptoms. Most importantly, you’ll undergo treatment that empowers you to process and resolve the complex trauma you experienced. Since complex trauma negatively impacts your ability to trust others and trust yourself, again, this will not happen overnight.

A Few Things to Consider During C-PTSD Recovery

Besides the intensity and duration of the complex trauma, the following elements must be factored into the recovery plan:

  • How old were you when the trauma began?
  • Were and are any other mental health conditions present?
  • What is your history of resilience and recovery?
  • Do you have a healthy support system in place?
  • What type of lifestyle are you currently living?
  • Which therapeutic approaches might match both your needs and your personality?
  • Are you open to holistic practices like mindfulness, yoga, art therapy, and meditation?

From there, C-PTSD recovery will typically follow some time-proven stages.

The Stages of C-PTSD Recovery

Feeling Stable

Complex trauma can temporarily delete any sense of stability or security. Hence, a giant first step is to acknowledge this reality and then address it. As you learn healthy coping mechanisms, you can build a foundation from which healing can grow.


Unless they are effectively processed, traumatic memories can keep you stuck in a negative cycle. There are many proven options for making this happen. How long processing takes can depend on some of the questions listed above.


The idea is not to erase uncomfortable thoughts or memories. Rather, you want to reach a point at which you can contemplate your past without being triggered. In such a state, you are better able to integrate your history with your present — allowing you to move forward into a rich, healthy life.

Some Clarification

None of the above is meant to be daunting or serve as a deterrent. Everyone’s recovery process is different but with C-PTSD, it is a self-loving choice to understand the process on which you are embarking. From this starting point, you are well-positioned to heal and thrive. Reach out to learn more about trauma therapy.

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